
Random thoughts, settings, characters, situations, perhaps leading somewhere

Tagged: Solyi Avanhoi

2014-10-28 :: Edward Semblance // Squibs
Squib: First Day of Session

Forms of Energal Control, a third-year course. Unassuming in name, but the scuttlebutt said otherwise. The instructor was legendary. He was a deep tan, medium-height, a little heavy, bald as an egg. Seeing him from a distance, or in line at the school commissary, you’d never guess him to be faculty unless he was wearing […]

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2013-04-11 :: Edward Semblance // Squibs

“Dockside” brings up scenes of salt spray, bobbing hulls and screaming gulls, but it’s just about the furthest from the truth in my line of work. Maybe in Solyi Pergani or Isildan, but not in Solyi Avanhoi. Dockside there is sand burn, whipping winds and croaking chensureets. It’s about repacking bearings and training talents. There’s […]

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